CREUniversity Is The Source To Learn Commercial Real Estate Investing
What is “commercial real estate”? In our opinion, that’s making the buying, selling and operating of real estate a method of creating wealth, both in monthly income as well as asset appreciation. Around 65% of U.S. households own real estate in the form of their personal homes, but only a fraction of Americans have discovered the financial power of using real estate as an investment vehicle.
America’s first millionaire attained that honor in commercial real estate: John Jacob Astor. He amassed a fortune of $20 million (around $1 billion today) between 1799 and 1830. In fact, roughly 90% of all U.S. millionaires made their money in commercial real estate – more than all other investment vehicles combined. The strength of real estate investing includes 1) strong performance during times of inflation 2) ability to push rents in tandem with market forces 3) regular monthly income (except in land speculation) and 4) attractive tax structure.
Commercial Real Estate University is different than all the other real estate websites in the U.S. for many reasons:
- We focus in on real, practical information and not hype or untested theory.
- All of the content is curated by Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds, who are legendary real estate investors that own over $1 billion in commercial real estate.
- We host a massive content platform that dwarfs all others featuring over 1,000 articles, one of the longest-running forums on the topic in the U.S., and a rich tapestry of courses on every niche of importance in American real estate.
You will also find regular podcasts, articles, webinars and a large number of other audios & videos to further your knowledge of successful investing in commercial real estate.
Subscribe to our email list and you’ll receive our “Introduction To Real Estate” online course as a free gift, which gives you an overview on commercial real estate investing, plus you’ll receive continual fresh content on successful real estate investing from our team of experts.
We’re glad you’re here and look forward to changing your life one property at a time!
If you ever have a question or comment, we would love to hear from you. Don't hesitate to Contact Us!

Mobile Home Park InvestingWe Are The 5th Largest Park Owners In The US

RV Park InvestingCurrent Owner Of 1000+ RV Spaces

Billboard InvestingFormerly The Largest Owner Of Billboards In Dallas / Ft. Worth

Self Storage InvestingCurrent Owner Of 1000+ Storage Units
"There is no better source for real estate advice
than Frank Rolfe & Dave Reynolds"
110 NW 2nd St
Cedaredge, CO 81413