Having a firm grasp on language patterns will help you close more deals. In addition to using embedded commands (word groups that order you to do something), you must incorporate assumptive language patterns into your vocabulary. Assumptive language patterns assume the outcome of what you are asking.
For example, if you are doing short sales you can ask the bank the same question, two different ways. Read both sentences and see which one you believe to be more assumptive:
“Hi, my name is Bob. And I was wondering, do you do short sales?”
“Hi, my name is Bob. I am working on a short sale for the property located at 123 Elm St. The loan number is #34777. Where should I fax my short sale package, so that you can go ahead and get this deal approved?”
We are assuming the bank is going to say “yes” to our short sale, instead of wondering if they short sale at all. Let’s look at another example of assumptive language patterns you can use when speaking to homeowners:
“Are you ready to sign the contract so we can get going, or do you want to think about it for a few days?”
“After speaking with me this evening, obviously you are ready to get started. Sign the contract, so I can get you what you want in the time you need it. Won’t that be great?”
Homeowners in distress want to be told what to do. They need someone else to take over and make decisions for them. If you come across as weak or insincere, they will have no confidence in you. The more assertive you are, the better they feel about working with you.
Let’s look at another example assumptive language patterns:
“Unless you feel motivated, you’ll never decide to work with me, which means you’ll never get out of your situation. And that’s not what you want, is it? Imagine how great it will feel to sleep again without the stress of foreclosure looming over your head. Let’s do the right thing and sign these papers, so we can get started, okay?”
The words in bold are embedded commands. Embedded commands are word groups that subconsciously order people to do something.When used in a sentence, these commands motivate others to do as you say.
See if you can think of several commands on your own. Write them down, repeat them everyday, and begin using them. you’ll begin to notice that people will become easier to work with.
In order for you sound strong when using assumptive language and embedded commands you must do four things:
Pause before the embedded command
Speak louder on the embedded command
Down-swing on the embedded command
Pause after the embedded command
Practice the above example by pausing, speaking louder, down swinging, and pausing again on the commands. See how much stronger you sound?
Great sales people assume everything. Every time you have the opportunity to speak with a bank or distressed homeowner, use strong language patterns. As you become more comfortable with these new language patterns, your sales will increase.
The banks like to work with experienced investors. Distressed homeowners like to work with someone they feel can truly help them. Many homeowners are skeptical to begin with. If you can give them a sense of comfort, you’ll win them over every time. Perception is reality. If they think you have power, you do. If they think you’re an imposter, they’re right.
Many investors worry that if they begin using stronger language patterns that homeowners will know or feel that they are being pushed. Folks, I’d venture to guess that before you read this article, you were not aware that these language patterns existed. The average person has no concept of language patterns and will never feel “sold.”
As you drive in your car the next few days, listen to the radio ads. Because radio does not have the luxury of being visual, it must use language patterns to attract customers. Now that you are aware of it, you’ll notice that every ad has embedded commands as well as assumptive language patterns.
To improve your language skills, start by asking every question in a way that will produce a positive outcome.
Old way: “Are you ready to sign the deed?”
New way: “Obviously, you are ready to sign the deed, aren’t you?”
Trust me, it won’t sound corny, and people will feel confident working with you.