The April 2024 Commercial Real Estate Investing Newsletter

Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 342 - After-Sale Repairs

Even if you sell a mobile home in “as is” condition and make no warranties, there is always the risk that the phone will ring with the homebuyer asking for a needed repair. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the obligations of the park owner from both a theoretical and practical perspective.

Listen To Episode 342

RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 100 - How To Be Inclusive With Your Seller

There are many strategies to better serve your goal of forging a deal with the seller, but few are as effective as “inclusiveness”. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore how to make “inclusive” deals and what the net effect can be.

Listen To Episode 100

Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 98 - The Problem With Cash

Bank interest rates are at the highest level in the past 40 years. But it still doesn’t make sense to buy a storage facility with all-cash. In this Self-Storage University podcast we’re going to discuss why buying properties with 100% cash and no debt is not a winning concept except in certain circumstances.

Listen To Episode 98

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 94 - The Science Of Fixing Obstructions

Blockage can kill a billboard’s value, but are there methods to bring those blocked signs back to life? In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss the science behind dealing with obstructions and share stories of signs that went from blocked to un-blocked using effective strategies.

Listen To Episode 94

Balancing Acts: Managing Tenant Relations and Rent Collection for Landlords

Evictions often paint landlords in an unfavorable light, suggesting they lack compassion. Yet, this simplified view doesn’t fully capture the true dynamics between property owners and tenants. Let's consider why eviction can be a necessary part of property management and how landlords can handle it thoughtfully.

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Optimizing Long-Term Stays at Your RV Park: A Strategic Approach for Owners

Owning an RV park often starts with a simple expectation: guests will check in for a short stay and move on shortly thereafter. However, the reality is that many RV owners have diverse needs that can extend their stays significantly. These can range from temporary relocations for work projects to seasonal migrations to avoid harsh winters. Understanding and adapting to these varied customer needs is crucial for maximizing both your revenue and customer satisfaction.

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The Pitfalls of Over-Documenting: When Not to Put It in Writing

It’s a standard piece of advice from lawyers: “Make sure you have it in writing.” Indeed, for many agreements to be legally binding—particularly those involving real estate, large sums of money, or contracts extending beyond six months—a written record is essential. Writing things down can help avoid misunderstandings by clearly defining terms and conditions.

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Effective Strategies for Collecting Payments from Advertisers

Successfully managing advertising revenue is critical for any media business, from billboards to digital platforms. Yet, one of the most challenging aspects can be ensuring timely payments from advertisers. Here’s a refreshed guide on managing this delicate process effectively, ensuring you maintain good relationships while securing your revenue.

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 341 - The Problem With Over-Qualified Managers

Very few Harvard MBAs apply for jobs as mobile home park managers – and that’s probably a good thing. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the problems with over-qualified managers and why they rarely work out despite having glamorous resumes.

Listen To Episode 341

Bing Crosby Owned A Mobile Home Park?

Yes, and so did George Burns, Gracie Allen, Barbara Stanwyck, Greer Garson, Jack Benny, Claudette Colbert, and Danny Kaye. Even Lucille Ball owned a mobile home park. And then there’s Stanley Marcus – the founder of Neiman Marcus – who owned a mobile home park in Dallas. Effectively, all the stars and notable people of the 1950s owned mobile home parks at one point. Why?

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 340 - Strategies To Get Contracts Signed

You cannot have a deal until both parties of signed. So how can you push the seller to sign on the dotted line after spending so much time on discussion? In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the different way to motivate sellers to execute the sales contract.

Listen To Episode 340

RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 99 - Seller Note Pressure Points

Many RV Parks are sold utilizing seller financing. But on those deals your negotiation does not just revolve around the purchase price – the way you negotiate the seller’s note is just as important. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the key points of negotiation for seller notes.

Listen To Episode 99

Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 97 - What Happens When You Combine Direct Mail And Cold Calling

There are several ways to find a self-storage facility to buy. Two of the best are “cold-calling” and “direct mail” – but happens when you combine them together? In this Self-Storage University podcast we’re going to review the powerful force that can be created by combining the postal service and the telephone.

Listen To Episode 97

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 93 - Making Billboards Blend In With Their Environment

While you want the advertisement to be dominant, you don’t want the billboard structure to be seen at all. In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the different methods to make the billboard structure virtually disappear with the goal of convincing the property owner that the sign will not interfere with the appearance of their land and buildings.

Listen To Episode 93

Navigating the Challenges of Acquiring Mobile Home Parks with Park-Owned Homes

Acquiring mobile home parks often presents a unique set of challenges, particularly when a significant portion of the homes within the park are owned by the park itself. The key to successfully navigating these transactions lies in the delicate balance of negotiation, especially regarding the valuation of park-owned homes. While some parks may have a negligible number of such homes, making little impact on the overall deal, others can feature a substantial percentage, ranging from 20% to over 50%. This scenario places the valuation of these homes at the forefront of the negotiation process.

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Reimagining the RV Park as an Investment for the Future

In the quest for financial independence and a fulfilling lifestyle, one path worth exploring is the ownership of an RV park. This isn't merely a question of financial returns, which are impressive in their own right, but also the pursuit of a life enriched by freedom, nature, and community.

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The Rise of Self-Storage: Capitalizing on America's Megatrends

In America today, the booming self-storage sector is a reflection of several overarching megatrends reshaping the nation's landscape. With a staggering 10% of U.S. households now utilizing self-storage solutions compared to just 5.9% in 1995, we're witnessing a 65% surge in demand. The question is, why is self-storage becoming so integral to American life?

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Crafting Cost-Effective "Combo" Ads for Modern Billboards

As businesses navigate the economic downturn, savvy advertising strategies are more crucial than ever. One timeless method stands out for its effectiveness and cost-efficiency: the "combo" billboard advertisement. This century-old tactic is witnessing a resurgence, proving its worth by providing exceptional visibility without compromising profitability. 

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 339 - Broker Commissions And The Law of Unintended Consequences

The National Association of Realtors settled a class action lawsuit recently (following a $1.8 billion jury award in Missouri) and now the real estate commission of 6% that is baked into a standard single-family home transaction is changing to where the buyer no longer has to pay a commission. Good news for the consumer, right? Wrong. This perversion of justice is about to have massive consequences for all the celebrating folks that think this will lower the cost of home ownership. And it will also have extremely positive results for mobile home parks.

Listen To Episode 339

Case Study: How Adam Successfully Bought Three Mobile Home Parks

Adam lives in California yet owns three highly successful mobile home parks in Illinois. Adam shares how he found the parks, negotiated them, financed them, improved their profitability, and now operates them

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 338 - Using The Power Of Charts And Graphs

Numbers are words are great, but there’s something about charts and graphs that takes your management to the next level. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the many ways that you can use visual elements in buying and operating mobile home parks for maximum productivity.

Listen To Episode 338