January 2022 Commercial Real Estate Investing Newsletter - CREUniversity

The January 2022 Commercial Real Estate Investing Newsletter

Sizing Up City Billboard Ordinances Fast

Those who seek to build new billboards in the U.S. quickly learn the necessity of getting permits. Billboards are one of the final regulated industries in America, governed by the Highway Beautification Act from a half-century ago. As a result, selecting a fertile market often comes down to understanding the key components of a city ordinance and what the implications are, as well as to quickly cut loose those that have little promise. So how can you quickly size a market up?

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With The Stock Market Collapsing, Time To Buy An RV Park?

The stock market has had a great ride since it’s Covid-inspired bottom. But how much of that was reality and how much was fantasy? The current decline in the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq are sobering reflections on the fact that the market is mover overvalued than at any other moment in American history – even worse than 1929 based on analytics. Charlie Munger – Warren Buffett’s business partner – has been warning about an apocalyptic market correction for months. And now it appears to be finally here. So in light of the fact that stock market “gambling” is no longer paying off, have you considered investing in an arena that is built on the fundamentals of income and cash flow and not PR and logo design? And a great investment niche that meets all these criteria is the simple RV park.

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It’s All About Timing: The Stock Market Vs. Owning A Self-Storage Facility

Everything runs in cycles, and you’re seeing that first-hand with the U.S. stock market which has begun its predictable descent. The market had a great run but it’s clearly over. If you are getting disgruntled or have lost confidence with stocks, then you might consider another investment option: income properties. And if a self-storage facility is in your list of income property resources, then here’s a comparison between storage investing and stock investing going forward.

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 231 - To Lead Or To Follow?

Mobile home park lot rents are ridiculously low nationwide. At an average lot rent of around $300 per month, many mobile home park owners will surely re-develop into a better use of the land in the years ahead. For those who elect to remain as a mobile home community, it’s essential that rents be placed at sustainable levels in keeping with market forces. But what do you do when your market mobile home park lot rents are unsustainably low -- do you stay low or become the market leader?

Listen To Episode 231

Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 44 - When Should You Stretch?

You can’t always get a storage deal for the price you want to pay. So when should you agree to the higher price and when should you withdraw? And how can you make sense of paying that extra price? That’s the topic of this Self-Storage University podcast. We’re going to talk about the science of stretching as much as any personal trainer – and it won’t cost you a cent.

Listen To Episode 44

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 40 - Making Money Simply Through A Better Use Of Space

Some billboards are focused and efficient and profit is maximized. But others are a terrible waste of space. In this Billboard Mastery podcast, we’re going to review the many ways to simply find billboards with poor utilization, take control of them, and profit from the inefficiency.

Listen To Episode 40

RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 46 - Science Isn’t Just For NASA

An RV park seems like a simple business model, but maximizing its profitability is just as complicated as landing a spacecraft on the moon. Using scientific protocols to enhance your RV park is essential if you want to really optimize your profitability and efficiency. But how do you do it? In this RV Park Mastery Podcast, we’re going to discuss how you can bring science to any RV park to get a handle on making it the best income property it can be – as well as the most appreciated by your customers.

Listen To Episode 46

Conquering Your Fears In Buying A Mobile Home Park

The #1 American fear is public speaking, followed by snakes.

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 230 - Clarification Needed

USA Today released an article titled “Meet the New Mobile Home” which, although positive in nature, is certain to confuse most readers as to the true economics of the product. What’s missing from this article is the simple differentiation between mobile homes and land. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss why it’s really all about the land, and that’s what makes mobile home park owners and mobile home manufacturers so completely different in their goals, profits, and future outlook.

Listen To Episode 230

Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 229 - What’s Propping Up The Window of Opportunity

There’s a time to sell and a time to buy. And that time to buy is called “the window of opportunity”. So what’s keeping that window open in the mobile home park business, when the apartment and single-family home niches are exhausted? In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss the window of opportunity in buying mobile home parks at attractive prices, and what continues to prop it open.

Listen To Episode 229

What Was That About Mobile Homes Being A Bad Value For Consumers?

A recent article in Realtor.com is forcing those who criticized mobile homes as investments for consumers to eat their words

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RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 45 - Hard Money Vs. Bank Debt Vs. Capital Partner

Money is money, but how you get it can have differing impacts. Whether bank debt, "hard money” or finding a capital partner, your selection can have a huge impact on your quality of life and ultimate profitability. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the options to pay for RV parks, and what the good and bad aspects are to each.

Listen To Episode 45

Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 43 - Don’t Listen To “Experts” On Cap Rates And Potential Occupancy

There’s no shortage of articles and reports out there on the self-storage industry, but don’t let people give you guidance who are trying to sell you properties or have a vested interest in advancing false narratives. In this Self-Storage University podcast we’re going to discuss some of the “facts’ floating around the industry which are clearly wrong and designed to ensnare you into bad deals.

Listen To Episode 43

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 39 - Things To Watch Out For With Old Signs

Bringing old billboard signs back to life can be very profitable. However, there are some things to watch out for that can ruin your plans and make your attempts to make money into losing money. In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to review the check list of reviewing old signs opportunities.

Listen To Episode 39

Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 228 - Is There Room For DGX?

The mobile home park industry has adopted weak guidelines of ratings – none of which is embraced in a cohesive manner – and mobile home parks basically fall into two camps: 1) upscale retirement communities and 2) everything else. Long gone is the star system in any reasonable application. But is a two-party system enough?

Listen To Episode 228

Are You Getting A Portion Of The Final 40,000 Mobile Home Parks In 2022?

There are only around 44,000 mobile home parks in the U.S. – and that number is set in stone with roughly ten times more torn down each year than built new. Of that number, around 4,000 are owned by professional investors, leaving about 40,000 up for grabs. What are you doing to buy your fair share of these properties – and why bother?

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Are You Going To Buy An RV Park In 2022?

Many people know nothing about RV park investing. But others are aware of the opportunity. And if you are one of those people, the big question is if you are going to take action on that desire in 2022, or let another year pass without exploring the possibilities of building financial independence with one of these properties.

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There are many predictions for the stock market in 2022, and few of them are good. Meanwhile, the arrival of “stagflation” is going to usher in a stronger market for real estate in general and self-storage in particular. If you’ve been parking your money in traditional investments, maybe 2022 is the year to start exploring self-storage investing.

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Is 2022 The Start Of Your “Billboard” Financial Independence?

The New Year is beginning. As the ball goes down on Times Square, you should be considering what you’re going to do differently in 2022. And if financial independence is important to you, then maybe this is the year you actually start considering building a billboard portfolio of assets.

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 227 - Are Residents Ruled By Love Or Fear?

The media will tell you that mobile home park residents are “trapped” in their homes. The truth is the exact opposite. The bonds that produce an average tenancy of 14 years are forged by the love of the product, not boundaries. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the truth behind the myth that customers are “chained to the Waffle House booths”, and explore what makes them happy residents for decades.

Listen To Episode 227