The June 2024 Commercial Real Estate Investing Newsletter

[Important Announcement] Supreme Court Decisions

The landmark Chevron decision may be a game changer for many industries – including mobile home parks. While the details are still to be decided in the courts, the fact is that "administrative law judge" decisions are no longer going to carry the weight of actual jury trials and this presents some big opportunities for the mobile home manufacturing and mobile home park industries.

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How A Star Wars Fan Became A Mobile Home Park Jedi

Some people buy just one mobile home park, and others buy seven. What makes the story even more interesting is that all these properties were acquired over just the past two years.

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 349 - The Perils Of Hiring The Manager From The Park Down The Street

Eventually the manager at the mobile home park down the street will inquire about being in charge of yours. Or one day you’ll get jealous that the community a few blocks over is nicer or fuller than yours and you’ll say “I wonder if I should approach that manager to work for me?”. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to drill down on this concept and give you case studies of how that concept typically tuns out.

Listen To Episode 349

RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 104 - Really Undestanding Recourse

We all know that a non-recourse loan is better than a recourse loan – but is recourse as bad as it sounds? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the real risks of recourse debt as well as concepts to mitigate it and actually embrace it.

Listen To Episode 104

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 98 - Out-of-home Is More Than Just Highway Signs

Billboards are only one segment of the “out-of-home” advertising industry, but the business model is the same in all of the options. In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to review additional concepts to apply the billboard concept for continuous cash flow

Listen To Episode 98

Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 102 - How To Set The Interest Rate On A Seller-carry Note

Every loan must bear interest, and when you borrow from a bank that number is typically non-negotiable. However, with seller financing the interest rate is subject to negotiation. In this Self-Storage University podcast we’re going to explore strategies for determining the correct interest rate on seller-carry debt.

Listen To Episode 102

They All Laughed When I Said I Was Buying A Mobile Home Park… But They Shut Up When I Sold It For A $1 Million Profit

In 1996 I bought a mobile home park. Everybody told me it was a terrible idea and I would lose all my money. I couldn't really blame them as it was one of the nastiest mobile home parks in Dallas. But even then I was impressed by a few factors:

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 348 - Really Understanding Recourse

All borrowers prefer “non-recourse” lending, but is “recourse” really a deal killer? It’s all a matter of perspective. In this Mobile Home Park Mastey podcast we’re going to explore the issue of recourse and analyze the real risk and how to mitigate it.

Listen To Episode 348

Scarcity = Value. And There’s Nothing More Scarce Than Mobile Home Parks

Gold is at around $2,500 per ounce right now while silver is around $28 per ounce. Why is gold more valuable than silver – about 100 times more? Because gold is much more rare. In this same manner, mobile home parks are the rarest of all commercial real estate, and this one fact has created extreme wealth for owners simply by having the title to a mobile home park in their name. Why are parks so scarce and how does this manifest into financial gain?

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 347 - Don’t Abandon “Cash For Keys”

There are some skills learned during Covid that we don’t need to throw away, and one of them is the concept of “cash for keys”. Born of desperation from the national evictions moratorium, this playbook of paying tenants to leave who can’t come up with their rent is still a win/win solution in many cases. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore why this works, how to implement it, and discuss its inherent win/win outcome.

Listen To Episode 347

RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 103 - Due Diligence Comes After – Not Before – You’re Under Contract

How much research do you do on the property before you sign the agreement and put it in the title company? While you don’t want to waste your time, the truth is that too many RV Park buyers wait way too long before getting their deal locked up, and that’s a mistake. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the strategy behind why you need to tie the RV Park up first, and do the diligence later.

Listen To Episode 103

Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 101 - How To Be Attractive To Banks

When it comes to getting a loan on a self-storage facility, the better you are at attracting banks the better your loan options will be. So how can you build your lender popularity? In his Self-Storage University podcast we’re going to review some the basic steps and skills that will make you a more desirable bank customer.

Listen To Episode 101

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 97 - All About Typestyles

Billboards are all about being read. And the typestyle you chose for the advertisement can have a huge impact on how effective the sign will be. In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to explore he world of typestyles and review what science tells us about what the correct lettering should look like.

Listen To Episode 97

Why Buying An RV Park Is Superior To Buying A Business

So you're looking at investing capital to create a new stream of cash flow or maybe replace your day job. You've probably thought about buying commercial real estate or buying a business. They both have their own places, but there are many reasons that buying an RV Park is superior to buying a business from a franchise or a business broker. Why is that?

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How To Make Money From The Current U.S. Interest Rate Cycle

Weather forecasting is all about taking past events and applying them to future conditions. In this same manner there is a tremendous amount of predictive science possible from a simple historical interest rate chart from the U.S. Federal Reserve. Let’s first make some significant observations:

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Creative Signage: Breaking the Mold for RV Park Owners

When RV Park owners think about signs, they often envision rectangles or squares. Look around, and you’ll see that the vast majority of entry signs follow this predictable pattern. But if you want to capture attention and stand out, it's time to literally "think outside the box."

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The Hidden Risks of Pro-Forma Financials in Real Estate

When evaluating self-storage facilities for sale, you might come across financial projections labeled as “pro-forma.” These projections often present an idealized version of the property's financial performance, which can be misleading. Let's delve into the pitfalls of relying on pro-forma numbers and how they can lead to costly mistakes.

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Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Local Advertisers for Your Billboards

If you find yourself with a vacant billboard or an expiring advertiser lease, look no further than the advertisers on neighboring billboards. These potential clients are often overlooked, yet they are right in front of you and can be prime prospects.

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 346 - Where Did That Come From?

We’ve been trying to unlock the science of mobile home park ownership for three decades, but there are some unwritten rules that are not supported by math and nobody even knows where these supposed “truths” came from. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the odd certainties that are used by bankers and bureaucrats yet have no basis in actual fact.

Listen To Episode 346